Sociologists for Women in Society, Winter 2024 Meeting

Departmental News

Posted: Dec 04, 2023 - 12:00am

The Sociologists for Women in Society's Winter 2024 Metting will be held January 25th to January 28th, 2024 at Santa Ana Pueblo here in New Mexico. 

For more information, please click here. 

President-Elect Message – S.L. Crawley:

The 2024 Winter meeting theme is: “Queering SWS: Seeking Radical Inclusion in a Complex World.” In recent years, “queering” has come to imply a focus on gender and sexualities as topics, though queer theory offers a much broader focus on anti-essentialism and anti-normativity. Including heteronormativity, cisnormativity, racialization, and imperialism/colonialisms, queer work critiques all forms of power, especially boundary-making around identity categories (ie, Butler’s question: what is a woman?). I see queering as a broader path to considering radical inclusion — seeking a model that avoids centering common forms of privilege in meaning-making. Yet, lived experience often draws on categorical identities (race, class,  gender, sexuality, religiosity, generation) in important ways which we must not demean. We will ask: How does categorical identity politics help us understand our lived experiences and how does it raise problematic boundaries? In this meeting, together we will be seeking—inquiring, critiquing, developing—what radical inclusion can look like.

We are contracting with the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort & Spa at Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico. SWS is holding its 2024 Winter Meeting on the land of the Pueblo of Santa Ana – Tamaya. The Tamaya Indian Reservation is located in North-Central New Mexico, along the Rio Grande. Tamaya is made up of three villages: Rebahene, Ranchitos and Chicale. More than 800 tribal members call the Pueblo of Tamaya home. Many tribal members are bilingual and proudly speak the Keresan language, the original language of the people of Tamaya. We honor the land itself and those who remain stewards of this land throughout the generations and are grateful to have the opportunity of gathering here and developing relationships with the local community.

Program Committee Members: Piper Sledge (Chair), Nasra Abubakar, LaToya Council, Hayden J. Fulton, Shuvechha Ghimire, Pedrom Nasiri, Carmela M. Roybal (Chair of the Local Engagement and Tribal Outreach Committee), Piper Sledge, Mangala Subramaniam, Barbara Sutton