You can support the student and faculty research and teaching at the UNM Department of Sociology! After choosing a fund, click & securely donate online or by check through the UNM Foundation.
Department of Sociology Chairman’s Fund
This discretionary fund provides program support for Department of Sociology initiatives, activities and other unexpected needs.
Institute for the Study of "Race" and Social Justice
This fund supports the mission of the Institute for the Study of “Race” and Social Justice by promoting the establishment of empirical, theoretical and methodological clarity about “race” drawing on cutting-edge thinking from multiple disciplines and diverse empirical traditions to advance equity-based policy, health education, housing, law enforcement, voting and other social outcomes. Donate now!
Christopher A. W. McGee Memorial Award
This fund supports an award given each year to an undergraduate, junior or senior student majoring in sociology or criminology who writes the best original paper on a sociological topic.
Felipe B. Gonzales Graduate Fellowship Fund
Established by Sociology Professor Dr. Phillip B. Gonzales, this fund supports a fellowship for an incoming or enrolled graduate student within the Department of Sociology in the area of Latino Studies for work in public policy, culture, identity, and/or economic well-being.
Miguel Korzeniewicz Endowed Memorial Fund in Comparative Sociology
Funds from this endowment may be used for scholarship, research or travel related to the field of comparative sociology or cross-national sociology at the discretion of the Department of Sociology.
Contribute by Check:
Please make your checks payable to the UNM Foundation (and indicate the fund you wish to support) and send to:
UNM Foundation
700 Lomas NE, Ste 108
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Donations are tax deductible.
If you need assistance or are interested in other funding opportunities for the UNM Department of Sociology, please contact Yolanda Dominguez, College of Arts & Sciences Development Officer at or 505-277-3194.