Sociology Graduate Student Association

SGSA is an officially recognized, student-led organization that manages sociology graduate student affairs. Our monthly meetings serve as professional forums to discuss research, teaching and issues of graduate student life in the department more broadly. Most importantly, SGSA represents the voice of the sociology graduate students to the department and to the greater university administration. SGSA also coordinates regular social, academic, and professional development events and opportunities. (SGSA By-Laws)

For more information, please contact: Lacey Hites or Vittoria Totaro.

SGSA Initiatives 2023-2024

  • Creating an Inclusive Graduate Student Community
  • A Collaborative Investment in Developing Marketable Academic and Professional Skills.

2023-2024 SGSA Leadership Team

President: Lacey Hites and Vittoria Totaro

Graduate Representative: Libby Vigil

Treasurer: Vittoria Totaro


Union Representative: TBD

Diversity and Inclusion Representatives: Bianca Ruiz-Negron and Lacey Hites


Undergraduate Committee Representative: Emily Ahrend

Colloquium Representative: Susana Echeverri Herrera


2023-2024 SGSA Meetings 

Next SGSA Meetings (subject to change): TBD


SGSA Events Calendar